Carol Roland, Assitant Director of Travel and Insurance for the National Collegiate Athletic Association told Kiwanians about the the history and current operations of the NCAA. She has been with the NCAA for 18 years and also is the scoring bookkeeper for the Greenfield-Central boy's basketball team.
The NCAA represents 1,123 colleges and universities, 98 voting athletic conferences, and 39 affiliated sports organizations, There are three divisions of the member schools. Division 1 represents larger schools with a median enrollment of 9,743 undergraduate students. 1 in 25 Div 1 students are athletes, 56% receive athletic aid. Div 2 schools have a median enrollment of 2,540 students with 1 in 11 students being athletes. 60% of Div 2 athletes receive athletic aid. Div 3 has a median enrollment of 1,766 students. 1 in 6 Div 3 students are athletes and none receive athletic aid. Div 3 has the highest graduation rate among athletes at 87%.
The NCAA insurance programs provide a variety of coverage for sports related injury and disability. The travel programs are responsible for contracts, credit cards, reimbursement of expenses, and reviewing expense reports. The travel arranged for all NCAA tourneys including the Final Four. For more information see